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Installing Clang

Installing Clang on Linux

Install the latest clang available in your package manager:

apt (Ubuntu/Debian):

sudo apt install clang

or install any version from llvm apt:

wget -O - | sudo bash -s - 17


The following defines are required to instruct CMake on which compiler to use:

cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ ...
or with specific version:
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-17 ...


Set CXX=clang++ or CXX=clang++-17 environment variables before running make.

Installing Clang on macOS

On macOS clang is the default compiler and already included in the official Xcode toolchain. No additional setup required.

Installing Clang on Windows

CMake + Ninja

Download and install the latest win64 build from the official LLVM GitHub page:

Visual Studio

In MSVC 2019 and 2022, there is built-in support for the Clang toolchain:

LLVM/Clang has very good compatibility with the MSVC ABI and is widely used for building large projects on Windows (including Chrome). Therefore, switching to LLVM/Clang should not cause any compatibility problems.

Transparent Clang use (experimental)

Setting KFR_WITH_CLANG to ON instructs KFR to download Clang from the official GitHub, extract it to the build directory, and set all required CMake variables to enable its usage. Works on Windows and Linux.

cmake -B build -GNinja -DKFR_WITH_CLANG=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release