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Biquad filter and design functions

biquad function

template <typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED expression_iir<1, T, E1>
biquad(const biquad_section<T> &bq, E1 &&e1)

Returns template expressions that applies biquad filter to the input.
bq Biquad coefficients
e1 Input expression

Source code
template <typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED KFR_FUNCTION expression_iir<1, T, E1> biquad(const biquad_section<T>& bq, E1&& e1)
    const biquad_section<T> bqs[1] = { bq };
    return expression_iir<1, T, E1>(std::forward<E1>(e1), iir_state{ iir_params{ bqs } });

template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED expression_iir<filters, T, E1>
biquad(const biquad_section<T> (&bq)[filters], E1 &&e1)

Returns template expressions that applies cascade of biquad filters to the input.
bq Array of biquad coefficients
e1 Input expression @note This implementation has zero latency

Source code
template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED KFR_FUNCTION expression_iir<filters, T, E1> biquad(
    const biquad_section<T> (&bq)[filters], E1&& e1)
    return expression_iir<filters, T, E1>(std::forward<E1>(e1), iir_state{ iir_params{ bq } });

template <size_t maxfiltercount = 4, typename T,
          typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED expression_handle<T, 1>
biquad(const biquad_section<T> *bq, size_t count, E1 &&e1)

Returns template expressions that applies cascade of biquad filters to the input.
bq Array of biquad coefficients
e1 Input expression @note This implementation has zero latency

Source code
template <size_t maxfiltercount = 4, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED KFR_FUNCTION expression_handle<T, 1> biquad(const biquad_section<T>* bq, size_t count,
                                                                  E1&& e1)
    KFR_LOGIC_CHECK(next_poweroftwo(count) <= maxfiltercount,
                    "biquad: too many biquad sections. Use higher maxfiltercount");
    return cswitch(
        cfilter(internal_generic::biquad_sizes, internal_generic::biquad_sizes <= csize_t<maxfiltercount>{}),
        [&](auto x)
            constexpr size_t filters = x;
            return to_handle(expression_iir<filters, T, E1>(std::forward<E1>(e1),
                                                            iir_state{ iir_params<T, filters>(bq, count) }));
        [&] { return to_handle(fixshape(zeros<T>(), fixed_shape<infinite_size>)); });

biquad_allpass function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_allpass(identity<T> frequency,
                                 identity<T> Q)

Calculates coefficients for the all-pass biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
Q Q factor @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_allpass(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> Q)
    const T alpha = std::sin(frequency) / 2.0 * Q;
    const T cs    = std::cos(frequency);

    const T b0 = 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha);
    const T b1 = -2.0 * cs * b0;
    const T b2 = (1.0 - alpha) * b0;
    const T a0 = (1.0 - alpha) * b0;
    const T a1 = -2.0 * cs * b0;
    const T a2 = (1.0 + alpha) * b0;
    return { b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };

biquad_bandpass function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_bandpass(identity<T> frequency,
                                  identity<T> Q)

Calculates coefficients for the band-pass biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
Q Q factor @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_bandpass(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> Q)
    const T K    = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2   = K * K;
    const T norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K2);
    const T a0   = K / Q * norm;
    const T a1   = 0;
    const T a2   = -a0;
    const T b1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
    const T b2   = (1 - K / Q + K2) * norm;
    return { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };

biquad_highpass function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_highpass(identity<T> frequency,
                                  identity<T> Q)

Calculates coefficients for the high-pass biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
Q Q factor @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_highpass(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> Q)
    const T K    = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2   = K * K;
    const T norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K2);
    const T a0   = 1 * norm;
    const T a1   = -2 * a0;
    const T a2   = a0;
    const T b1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
    const T b2   = (1 - K / Q + K2) * norm;
    return { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };

biquad_highshelf function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_highshelf(identity<T> frequency,
                                   identity<T> gain)

Calculates coefficients for the high-shelf biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
gain Gain in dB @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_highshelf(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> gain)
    biquad_section<T> result;
    const T K  = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2 = K * K;
    const T V  = std::exp(std::fabs(gain) * (1.0 / 20.0) * c_log_10<T>);

    if (gain >= 0)
    { // boost
        const T norm = 1 / (1 + c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2);
        const T a0   = (V + std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + K2) * norm;
        const T a1   = 2 * (K2 - V) * norm;
        const T a2   = (V - std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + K2) * norm;
        const T b1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T b2   = (1 - c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2) * norm;
        result       = { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };
    { // cut
        const T norm = 1 / (V + std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + K2);
        const T a0   = (1 + c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2) * norm;
        const T a1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T a2   = (1 - c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2) * norm;
        const T b1   = 2 * (K2 - V) * norm;
        const T b2   = (V - std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + K2) * norm;
        result       = { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };
    return result;

biquad_l function

template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED expression_iir_l<filters, T, E1>
biquad_l(const biquad_section<T> (&bq)[filters], E1 &&e1)

Returns template expressions that applies cascade of biquad filters to the input.
bq Array of biquad coefficients
e1 Input expression @note This implementation introduces delay of N - 1 samples, where N is the filter count.

Source code
template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_BIQUAD_DEPRECATED KFR_FUNCTION expression_iir_l<filters, T, E1> biquad_l(
    const biquad_section<T> (&bq)[filters], E1&& e1)
    return expression_iir_l<filters, T, E1>(std::forward<E1>(e1), iir_state{ iir_params{ bq } });

biquad_lowpass function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_lowpass(identity<T> frequency,
                                 identity<T> Q)

Calculates coefficients for the low-pass biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
Q Q factor @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_lowpass(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> Q)
    const T K    = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2   = K * K;
    const T norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K2);
    const T a0   = K2 * norm;
    const T a1   = 2 * a0;
    const T a2   = a0;
    const T b1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
    const T b2   = (1 - K / Q + K2) * norm;
    return { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };

biquad_lowshelf function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_lowshelf(identity<T> frequency,
                                  identity<T> gain)

Calculates coefficients for the low-shelf biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
gain Gain in dB @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_lowshelf(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> gain)
    biquad_section<T> result;
    const T K  = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2 = K * K;
    const T V  = std::exp(std::fabs(gain) * (1.0 / 20.0) * c_log_10<T>);

    if (gain >= 0)
    { // boost
        const T norm = 1 / (1 + c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2);
        const T a0   = (1 + std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + V * K2) * norm;
        const T a1   = 2 * (V * K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T a2   = (1 - std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + V * K2) * norm;
        const T b1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T b2   = (1 - c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2) * norm;
        result       = { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };
    { // cut
        const T norm = 1 / (1 + std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + V * K2);
        const T a0   = (1 + c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2) * norm;
        const T a1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T a2   = (1 - c_sqrt_2<T> * K + K2) * norm;
        const T b1   = 2 * (V * K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T b2   = (1 - std::sqrt(2 * V) * K + V * K2) * norm;
        result       = { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };
    return result;

biquad_notch function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_notch(identity<T> frequency,
                               identity<T> Q)

Calculates coefficients for the notch biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
Q Q factor @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_notch(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> Q)
    const T K    = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2   = K * K;
    const T norm = 1 / (1 + K / Q + K2);
    const T a0   = (1 + K2) * norm;
    const T a1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
    const T a2   = a0;
    const T b1   = a1;
    const T b2   = (1 - K / Q + K2) * norm;
    return { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };

biquad_peak function

template <typename T = fbase>
biquad_section<T> biquad_peak(identity<T> frequency,
                              identity<T> Q,
                              identity<T> gain)

Calculates coefficients for the peak biquad filter
frequency Normalized frequency (frequency_Hz / samplerate_Hz)
Q Q factor
gain Gain in dB @return Biquad filter coefficients

Source code
template <typename T = fbase>
KFR_FUNCTION biquad_section<T> biquad_peak(identity<T> frequency, identity<T> Q, identity<T> gain)
    biquad_section<T> result;
    const T K  = std::tan(c_pi<T, 1> * frequency);
    const T K2 = K * K;
    const T V  = std::exp(std::abs(gain) * (1.0 / 20.0) * c_log_10<T>);

    if (gain >= 0)
    { // boost
        const T norm = 1 / (1 + 1 / Q * K + K2);
        const T a0   = (1 + V / Q * K + K2) * norm;
        const T a1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T a2   = (1 - V / Q * K + K2) * norm;
        const T b1   = a1;
        const T b2   = (1 - 1 / Q * K + K2) * norm;
        result       = { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };
    { // cut
        const T norm = 1 / (1 + V / Q * K + K2);
        const T a0   = (1 + 1 / Q * K + K2) * norm;
        const T a1   = 2 * (K2 - 1) * norm;
        const T a2   = (1 - 1 / Q * K + K2) * norm;
        const T b1   = a1;
        const T b2   = (1 - V / Q * K + K2) * norm;
        result       = { 1.0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 };
    return result;


biquad_section class

template <typename T> biquad_section

Structure for holding biquad filter coefficients.

Source code
template <typename T>
struct biquad_section
    template <typename U>
    constexpr biquad_section(const biquad_section<U>& bq) CMT_NOEXCEPT : a0(static_cast<T>(bq.a0)),

    static_assert(std::is_floating_point_v<T>, "T must be a floating point type");
    constexpr biquad_section() CMT_NOEXCEPT : a0(1), a1(0), a2(0), b0(1), b1(0), b2(0) {}
    constexpr biquad_section(T a0, T a1, T a2, T b0, T b1, T b2) CMT_NOEXCEPT : a0(a0),
    T a0;
    T a1;
    T a2;
    T b0;
    T b1;
    T b2;
    biquad_section<T> normalized_a0() const
        vec<T, 5> v{ a1, a2, b0, b1, b2 };
        v = v / a0;
        return { T(1.0), v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4] };
    biquad_section<T> normalized_b0() const { return { a0, a1, a2, T(1.0), b1 / b0, b2 / b0 }; }
    biquad_section<T> normalized_all() const { return normalized_a0().normalized_b0(); }

iir function

template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
expression_iir<filters, T, E1>
iir(E1 &&e1, iir_params<T, filters> params)

Returns template expressions that applies biquad filter to the input.
e1 Input expression
params Biquad coefficients

Source code
template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_FUNCTION expression_iir<filters, T, E1> iir(E1&& e1, iir_params<T, filters> params)
    return expression_iir<filters, T, E1>(std::forward<E1>(e1), iir_state{ std::move(params) });

template <typename T, typename E1>
expression_handle<T, 1>
iir(E1 &&e1,
    const iir_params<T, tag_dynamic_vector> &params)

Returns template expressions that applies biquad filter to the input.
e1 Input expression
params Biquad coefficients

Source code
template <typename T, typename E1>
KFR_FUNCTION expression_handle<T, 1> iir(E1&& e1, const iir_params<T, tag_dynamic_vector>& params)
    KFR_LOGIC_CHECK(next_poweroftwo(params.size()) <= maximum_biquad_count, "iir: too many biquad sections");
    return cswitch(
        internal_generic::biquad_sizes, next_poweroftwo(params.size()),
        [&](auto x)
            constexpr size_t filters = x;
            return to_handle(expression_iir<filters, T, E1>(
                std::forward<E1>(e1), iir_state{ iir_params<T, filters>(, params.size()) }));
        [&] { return to_handle(fixshape(zeros<T>(), fixed_shape<infinite_size>)); });

template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
expression_iir<filters, T, E1, true>
iir(E1 &&e1,
    std::reference_wrapper<iir_state<T, filters>> state)

Returns template expressions that applies biquad filter to the input.
bq Biquad coefficients
e1 Input expression

Source code
template <size_t filters, typename T, typename E1>
KFR_FUNCTION expression_iir<filters, T, E1, true> iir(E1&& e1,
                                                      std::reference_wrapper<iir_state<T, filters>> state)
    return expression_iir<filters, T, E1, true>(std::forward<E1>(e1), state);

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